Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid’s #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash needs partners to ensure ALL DC students have the resources they need to be successful.
To sign up to be a sponsor, please contact Maurice Cook at
What is the Back to School Bash & Youth Festival?
Since its inception, Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid (SYC/W6MA) has been guided by the core belief that Black and Brown young people deserve not only to survive and get by but to truly thrive and prosper. It is that spirit which led to the creation of the #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash & Youth Festival (B2SB) – a day to celebrate the start of the new school year with young people and their families and to make sure that they have both the tangible resources and ongoing support they need to be successful in the upcoming academic year. Since 2020, SYC/W6MA has supported over 7,000 DC students and 1,500 families. This year, we are hoping to raise $250,000 to be able to continue to grow and expand all of these incredible programs. It’s an ambitious goal–but we can do it, with YOUR help.
When is the Back to School Bash & Youth Festival?
The 6th Annual #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash & Youth Festival will be held in August, just before the first day of school for DC students. Stay tuned for our announcement of the exact date. To ensure a memorable day for our young people and their families, we need your support starting now. We're partnering with our sponsors and members throughout the spring and summer to shop, prep, and pack backpacks, making sure we're ready to celebrate in August!
What makes SYC/W6MA B2SB Unique?
The SYC/W6MA #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash & Youth Festival is truly one of a kind in back-to-school events. SYC/W6MA not only believes that every young person deserves to thrive and prosper, but also has the deep community roots and ability to provide yearlong programming and support to back it up. That is why we put together the best backpack in the city filled with brand-new, high-quality items including traditional school supplies, Bluetooth headphones, sports & recreational activities, and even digital devices. That’s not all: at the B2SB, our incredible community partners are there to answer questions from parents and provide opportunities to sign up for ongoing support such as our SYC/W6MA Free School for Unlimited Youth program, which provides students with tutoring and extracurricular activities year round.
Over the past five years, Black and Brown kids in DC have faced significant instability, uncertainty, and trauma. The SYC/W6MA B2SB is an opportunity for us to come together as a community to wrap our arms around our young people and show them that they are celebrated, that they are supported, and most of all, loved by all of us.
We hope that you will join us!
How can you help?
Become a sponsor at the highest level you are able to ensure that more kids have the opportunity and access to the items they need to succeed.
Sponsorship Levels:
-Family level - 4 backpacks - $1000 - website thank you
-Classroom level - 20 backpacks - $5000 - newsletter + website thank you
-Grade level - 50 backpacks = $12,500 - all above + logo on banner at Back to School Bash & Youth Festival
-School level - 100 backpacks = $25,000 - all above + special recognition at outdoor event at Back to School Bash & Youth Festival
-Ward level - Full 2,000-backpack sponsorship of one top-line item (see below) = in-kind equivalent - all above + dedicated social media recognition
Item Donations:
-To help us reach our goal of providing 2,000 backpacks, consider sponsoring the following top-line items:
Bluetooth Headphones
Water Bottles
Digital Devices
Sports Equipment
Art Supplies (Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers)
-You can donate monetary funds at Your donations will enable us to purchase these items in bulk.
-Alternatively, if you prefer to donate these items directly, we can provide you with a list of items and dates for drop-off. Please note that items should be shipped to your office, and plan to deliver them on the specified drop-off dates.
We are open to a conversation about your needs and would be happy to discuss other sponsorship levels. For more information about the 2025 #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash & Youth Festival, please visit our website at For any inquiries or to sign up as a sponsor, please contact Maurice Cook at
Thank You to our 2024 #WeKeepUsSafe Back to School Bash Presenting Sponsors: